Join our SPF Community!
We are a network of students around the globe that come together to fundraise, volunteer and raise awareness. Join one of our volunteering sessions or speaker talks and learn more about our members!

Members at SPF - SPF has members around the globe that connect in regular member touchpoints and bonding events. Our members are connected by their passion for making a difference.
Since SPF has so many inspiring members in our various branches, we implemented member spotlights, where you can learn more about our members, their backgrounds, and motivations.​

SPF Volunteering
SPF Speaker Event 2022
Artificial Intelligence
SPF Speaker Event 2022
Artificial Intelligence

SPF Esade 2021
Humana Clothing Drive

Volunteering at SPF - we encourage our members to volunteer locally for causes that they are passionate about.
Volunteering connects our members to their local communities, and our branch members worldwide have found volunteering with other SPF members one of the most rewarding experiences at SPF.
Some branches volunteer at local soup kitchens like Serve the City Paris or Pane Quotidiano in Milan, while others, such as our Barcelona branch, have volunteered at Humana.
SPF Speaker Series
Part of SPF's mission is to raise awareness around philanthropy, non-profits, and charity work, as well as underprivileged youths worldwide. To discuss these topics and reflect on charity work with leaders in different fields, we regularly host our panel and speaker series.
We usually announce our events on our Instagram page, anyone can sign up and join our discussions. We look forward to seeing you at our next speaker event!
Interested in being our next speaker?